Resources Accredited etc

Parameters for water often used i physical calibration and testing
Density/thermal expansion: Bettin, Horst & Speiweck, Frank: Die Dichte des Wassers as Funktion der Temperatur nach Einführung der Internationalen Temperaturskala von 1990. PTB-Mitteilungen 3/90.
Vapour pressure: Clausius-Clapeyron equation: More sources e.g. Wikipedia.
Vapour pressure: Antoine equation: Antoine, L. C. 1888. using the constants A = 5.07131, B = 1730.63 og C = 233.426.

Minimum value = 0 oC. Maximum value = 50 oC. Division = 0.01 oC. Default value = 20 oC. Choose (or type value using decimal point - not comma).

Specific volume according to EN1434-1:1997
Temperatures typical for the calibration of energy meters.

Link to article
Date 20161010

ISO17025 8.5 Actions to addres risks and opportunities
In DS/EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 the risk based thinking we know from many HLS management standards is more clear. This is not new and it was already present in 17025:2005, only not so clearly. The article can be read together with the article on Risk assessment fond in Resources- >product compliance.

Subsequent control of vapour recovery stage II systems
Regulations on vapour recovery stage II system has changed a couple of times since the introduction in 1997. The present regulations require the use of the harmonised standard EN 16321-2 for "new retail sites". At the same time the se of accredited inspection is fased out.
Here you can see an overview of the different inspections/tests.

Link to overview
Date 20161010/20210322

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